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We provide Power of Attorney and Will writing services to individuals and strategic planning to small businesses and large organizations.
WILL and Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
We are a small, friendly firm. We aim to make the process of Power of Attorney and making a Will as simple and convenient as possible whilst ensuring the final legally binding document provides the best solution to suit your current needs. An approach centered around 100% client satisfaction.
Strategic Planning Business Restructuring and Inheritance Tax Planning (IHT)
Regardless of the market, we believe that a well-managed business structure is crucial to staying successful, and we are there to provide that expertise. We are all about combining our specialist knowledge with a personalized service that meets your requirements, working hard to ensure we understand you and your business circumstances.
If you have any questions, would like to know more about any of the services, or would like to arrange an initial no-fee consultation, please do feel free to contact us.